Other than Family Consultants and school staff, Allen Creek typically does not allow visitors into classrooms where classes are in session. However, there may be visitors in your child’s classroom at specified times with advance notice and preparation. Visitors may include visiting professionals and invited guests with special skills. A staff member familiar to the children in the classroom always accompanies a visitor.
Regular volunteers are interviewed and screened before joining a class at regularly scheduled times, so children can anticipate and plan for their participation. We will let you know if there will be volunteers in your child’s class.
We strongly encourage parents to be involved in their child’s education. Allen Creek supports planned parent participation in occasional class activities. Please see your child’s teacher if you have special skills or interests you would like to share.
We invite parents to contribute or gather learning materials for use in classes and the creative arts program. Teachers welcome help from parents in documenting projects and creating individual and group portfolios, as well as creating displays of work in the school or in the larger community. Our curriculum supports children forming differentiated teacher-child relationships for the present and the future. For this reason, we don’t make use of parents as regular helpers in our classrooms.